Saturday, August 4, 2012

IM BACK... let's hope.

Alright alright. I know its been 2 years, and I'm probably 2 years too late. I've noticed the mass majoity of bloggers these day, have moved to Tumblr. So I'm most likely just writing this for my own amusement. Who really knows huh ?! Anyways, its been 2 years. So why the sudden appearance ? Well ... I don't know. (: haha ! Yeah, honestly, I just randomly came back to this website, and began reading the tiny handful of what was once interesting news to me then,but is now useless rubbish. Why I've said this ? Well, I've got a man, and I've had him for 2 years now. We're inseparable to say the least. We fight, yeah, but what "normal" couple doesn't ? I love him and that's all that should really matter. As for me making videos ? Well, to be honest, I've lost a lot of my "old" self since you last heard from me... I lost a lot of motivation to make videos... I used to do that sh!† like crackheads with coke. But unfortunately, I guess I just lost my touch. However, I still would love to make them, but my hell of a job, has made it to where I no longer have a social life. I'm always working, and when I'm not, I'm too tired at home or too bored with life to do anything. Its sad really. I've become a big heap of furniture or something. Just lying around everywhere, not doing or going anywhere. But, I'm saving up for a car, so at least I'm doing SOMETHING. Its 3:30am here. So I'll stop before my phone does something to make me lose everything I just wrote. Till next time kiddos.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Single. Why Me!?

I'm not used to being single. I've only had 2 boyfriends after all, one was 2 and a half years, and the other was a month. I can't take being alone. I feel used from the last relationship. I gave and gave and never received back what I put into it. The worst part of all that was... He said he DIDN'T use me. Okay, let's look at the facts, and you may decipher from that...

  • I used MY birthday money to buy HIM something.
  • For HIS birthday, I bought him expensive gloves, which I researched before-hand for 2 hours.
  • I walked alone on a "death" highway just to buy him a snack, which then he called me an "idiot" for doing so.
  • He embarrassed me in front of my friends when I asked him for a hug he then said "No, I think you should hang out with your friends" then he shut the door in my face and never answered it again, that day.
  • He got angry at me for texting in his home, while we were playing a board game, when he called me and was playing videogames at the same time, so everything I said he never heard.
  • When we were about to break-up the 2nd time, he said we wouldn't get along when we were older, and then proceeded to say that his ex was perfect for him.
  • When we broke-up the final time, he got very annoyed at me when I was texting him NICE things, and told me I was bugging him too much, and that everything he did, he couldn't go an hour without getting a text from me...

What are your thoughts on this?! Do you think he used me?

I feel like I failed at everything I did for him. ):

I want a new boyfriend (asian) that will give just as much as he takes.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


That voice. The angels are fainting.
That face. The sky is glowing.
That body. The men are envying.
That touch. The ghosts are paralyzed.
Be here.
Be right next to me.
Make me drift away, where humans can't resist.
I adore you.
I have feelings inside me.
Right here.
Give me that feeling I so desire.
Break my bones with your presence.
I can't help but want it all.
Come to me, and make my day.
Don't choose anything else, or I'll perish.
I found my picking, so I can't let go.
You're too priceless in value.
My love for you cannot be shown.

where are you my sunshine

Where oh where did the sunshine go?
It's so dark, down in this hole.
My eyes are red from crying, my heart only skips every other time.
I'm very distressed from all of this.
I miss peace in his arms, I miss the sound of his soul.
Let me hear that body ring, and let me touch his being...
Give me the warm sunshine, which I need, which I survived on these past years.
Don't let my teardrops return, don't let me disintegrate.
I only want one thing, one person...
He stops all the horror in my life.
He starts all the bliss and the wonder.
Get me out of the hole...

Get me no other.♥

wishing for you

The raindrops fall down the cold window as I think of you.
My tears drop down my cheeks as I think of you.
My heart sinks to my knees as I think of you.
Will it ever end? The thoughts of happiness?
When will they become reality...
You depart my arms every time, and I lose a part of myself in you.
I wish we could be one, but my wishing only grows further and further away.
I can't stop the wanting, no matter how selfish.
You were mine from the beginning, and I want it that way for always.
I miss your touch, your kiss, your body, your presence, your soul, your mind, that voice, you.

Come back to me.

I'm waiting impatiently...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I had the freakiest dream at 3am.

So the main part I distinctly remember was:

I walked into a room, and there was a lady laying in a bed, she looked incredibly sick and I guess I was taking care of her with my mom. But the weird part was, in the dream she WAS my mom as well! 0_o I didn't understand!
I walked out of the room into the living room, and when I came back, she was out of the bed, on her knees, on the floor, wide eyed in horror! She was white as a ghost, then suddenly, she fell flat on her face.... dead.
I screamed and flipped her over, she still had her eyes open. It scared the sh*t out of me! I screamed in horror yelling "Oh!! My mom is dead! she's dead!" Then someone came into the room (my actual mother) and gently grabbed her cold body and said in a whisper "Poor poor lady."

Freaky! I woke up for about 10 minutes before falling asleep again.
Still... beats any old horror film I've ever seen! XD hahaha!

If you're interested, here's all of my websites(:


Youtube #1 (main channel)
Youtube #2 (horror films)
Youtube #3 (lip syncing films)



Gaia Online:

Experience Project: (cannot show at the moment due to blockage of website at school)

If I've missed any other websites you might think I've forgotten, tell me! :D