Saturday, June 28, 2008


So here I am again! It's almost night of tha exact same day... buut, I'm oober bored && I don't think I can do this tomorrow if I'm making a blogg about what I'll be doing tomorrow... too much posting!
So, I promised a blogg about my childhood... Yep yep.. I was a very weird child... I used to be afraid of things like normal children... but, I was a whole new definition of normal.
I was afraid of: those tubes you find behind washers; barbie dolls [because they're hands were stuck together like that]; an evil laughing halloween pumpkin my uncle had out EVERY halloween... He knew I was terrified of it, yet he took it out every year, I guess attempting to calm my unusual phobia.. it never quite seemed to work... Sometimes my cousins would chase me around with it... Not a pretty memory... When I visited my aunt's house in colorado, she had this very creepy basement that was under construction... I went in there thinking i'd find a treasure of some sort... but only found something that freaked tha hell outta me... This hand statue... That when I stared at it, it seemed like it moved on it's own... I would scream my lungs out, && run for my life... My aunt thought this was amusing, && would drag me bakk into her basement just to have her own little laugh... stupid !@#!....
Oh you think tha fun stops there?! No... I had an imaginary friend named "George Washingmachine" [yes tha president, with a twist to his name] who used to talk to me under tha kitchen table through a "phone" which was really some kind of weird cord thing... I had a favorite toy too! I little queer creature in a tiny car that I named Veronica! I had lost her years ago, but recently actually found another in a local goodwill that I had to buy!...
My mom thought I was weird too growing up... I used to tell her things that made her think...
When i was 4... this is what happened once...
Mom: "Jericka why did you do this?!"
Me at age 4: "Mom... because everything is not coming, because my sister went bye byes!"
She would stare at me like I was on something... then laugh hysterically...
My brother && sister didn't make things any better...
My godmother would always come over to visit... She lived right by us, but enjoyed visiting... When she came to visit... She would sit at our kitchen table && talk to my mom... My brother once whispered to me... I ran to him && we hid in tha living room watching my mom && my godmother... He told me that when she took baths, that tha water wouldn't absorb into her skin, it would just stay stuck on top because she was so wrinkly... [bahahahahahaaha] he's so mean...
One morning, I was watching Barney && eating a bowl of buttered rice my mom cooked every morning... Since there were 2 tv's in our home [one in tha living room, && one in my parents room] I decided to go to my parents room because my brother hogged tha other one... my parents weren't home... so it was just my siblings && I... As I was eating && watching, my brother burst through tha door && sat down next to me... I looked at him awkwardly.. He grabbed tha remote && turned it!... Now whoever knew my brother && I bakk then, knew that he was very annoying, && very mean to me... He would ALWAYS bother me so much! My sister knew this too... Every time she heard me screaming from tha distance, she'd run to tha rescue! As he turned tha channel I began to scream... I was so mad! I was missing Barney! As I was screaming for help, I looked at my brother... I knew something was coming... Something on my brother... Something I hated more than anything in tha entire world... I stared up at his face... Sure enough... He pulled up his top lip to show off his annoying pink gums.... it was SO ANNOYING!! I screamed even louder!! How dare he show me that!! UGH!!
It all happened so slowly... My sister ran into tha room... Grabbed my brother by tha back of his hair... && literally DRAGGED him outside!! I followed to tha door... she shut it, I guess so I wouldn't see... && all I heard was my brother screaming for mercy! About 10 minutes later, they both came bakk in... my brother looked like he was in pain.. Through that whole time my mouth was wide open.. I couldn't believe what my sister did! To this day that's got to be tha most funniest thing I've ever seen! hahahaha! Once my sister was on tha phone, && I snukk in her room.. it was dark so she couldn't see... I jumped up && pretty much gave her a heart attack! mwaahahha!! I've had such a funny/weird childhood, but I still wish I could do it all again. [:

1 comment:

Joelyn Alexandra said...

Hey girl!!!

Welcome to the blogspot community. HAHA!!! I'll link this one to mine k? Not that a lot of people read my blog but what the heck. HAHAH.

P/S - If you need some tips on blog structure on basic templates, I can help =).

P/P/S - I seriously hope your sister problem gets solved soon. It's not actually good for her children either.

P/P/P/S - Yes! Another avenue to prove that Mark is a wanker =P. oh wait, that's my inside joke with Yuri. HAHAHAH!!!

- J.Raven Yep